Tuesday, August 9

NomNom Adventure - GongGong

Name: Gong Gong
Location: Basically, any seafood stall in Singapore

Looks cruel, but yummy!
Basically anything that moves, some crazy Chinese would throw it into the wok and whip out a dish. Most of the time, I'm faced with the visual barrier before i push myself to consuming these weird foods.

GongGong, or so we call it here in Sunny Singapore. Then there is also LaLa, ChuChu, and probably many more i don't know. A quick wiki of 'GongGong' brought up the description: A Chinese water god, or sea monster. How vastly differing entities that are existing in the water. No matter what, good or evil, toss them into the wok with some garlic and spring onions, and there you go!

This peculiar takes quite abit of skill to eat. They are served with toothpicks! With the expectation that u dig those little rascals out. But i prefer just using my hands and pulling them out. And for the taste... I say it's an acquired taste. Some people love it, but i will choose other shell-fishes.

P.S.: There are so many exotic/interesting dishes that i have eaten, snapped, and waiting to blog. But they are all bottle-necked by my present '1 NomNom Adv a day" policy.

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